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http://www.sina.com.cn 1999年7月28日 14:18 新东方学校出国咨询处

  (续前)就在我前一位被盘问的时候,三号窗口开了,不过令人失望的是出来的不是那位LADY,而是一个老头, 头发有点白了,是拒掉我一个熟人的家伙。他叫了我的号,我按住心头的波澜,昂首走到三号窗口前,脸上装出自信的微笑, 露出三分之一的牙齿。

  (M: Me O: Officer)

  M: Good morning, Sir. (递进我的号牌和面试邀请信)

  O: Moring, wait a while please. (用鼠标器点了几下后去拿来了我所有的申 请材料)

  M: No problem.

  O: So, You came to Singapore in Sep. Of 1997? (看着我的 OF156表)

  M: Yeah, I will graduate from National University o f Singapore in July.

  O: Are you sure?

  M: Of course. In fact I have already finished my th esis. I can submit it to the registrar at anytime if I like, but my supervisor wishes me to work on a project for one or two more months. Once I have submitted my th esis, my scholarship will be suspended. So I haven't su bmitted it yet.

  O: You are going to University of XXXX… You have fu ll financial support…(都在我的OF156表上, 我就没吭声)

  M: Why you choose University of XXXX?(窃喜, 问题上路了)

  M: This is because U. of XXXX has very excellent gr aduate program in my interested field, its Dept. Of XXX ranks top ten among the best US universities. There are first class facilities. Besides, my future supervisors are very outstanding professors, they are the real mast ers in their research field. It is my greatest honor to be able to study under their instructions. What's more, the university awarded me a fellowship on a very compet itive base, because of my strong academic background. W ith the fellowship, there is no RA duties for me, and i t is renewable for a consecutive four years. Thus I can be more concentrated on my graduate studies and researc h.. This is such a nice offer that one should not miss. (想了一会儿,开始发炮)

  O: Where will you go after your graduation, United States, Singapore, or China? ( 毫不犹豫的?)

  M: Definitely I will come back to my homeland, Chin a, to pursue my future splendid career and decent life. (徐小平的书上说这时的回答要果断而简练)(边摇头边笑笑)

  O: Sorry, I cannot give you the visa, because you c annot convince me by your plan. I have never been to Ch ina, and I have no idea about how are the chances in Ch ina to find a good job as you want, and I don't know ho w is your prospect in China. So, you'd better come back to China to apply you visa there. (TMD, 亮刀子了。这样的问题书上没有, 我这时还算镇定。)( 开始背诵, 加一点自由发挥, 语速要快,声音要大)

  M: But I do have very strong and sufficient reasons for me to come back to China to start my career. Would you like to listen to my reasons?

  O: Go on.(保持语速,开始加上手部动作)

  M: First I would like to explain why I choose XXXX as my graduate specialty. XXXX is a comparatively new e ngineering branch but very prospective, it is widely re searched and applied in America. But in China, the rese arch and application in this field are far from well de veloped. For example, there is dept. Of XXXX in most US universities, but there is seldom corresponding departm ent in Chinese universities, even the best ones in Chin a. On the other hand, specialist with background of XXX X is in great need everywhere for a developing China. T hus the future chances and challenges in this field is much more exciting than those in USA. If I want to stay in USA, I would choose Electrical Engineering or Comput er Science as my specialty, because it is very easy to find a job in USA in these fields. But I firmly believe that I can have a much more prosper future career in Ch ina as a specialist of XXXX in China. Second, because o f the pioneering role USA playing in science, engineeri ng and education, a Ph.D. degree issue by famous USA un iversity is highly respected in China, not only in Chin a, but all over the world. We who got US university sch olarships are top students of China, after four or five years study in USA and with a esteemed Ph.D.degree, my personal and professional abilities will be greatly imp roved, so we will be equipped with much higher competen ce and ability than other peers in China. So it is very easy for me to find a decent and well paid job in China , and the future chances for promotion are also very go od. Third, you know that the family value is very impor tant in our Chinese culture, I love my parents and my s ibling, who are all living in China. I can imagine that I could lead a happy life in USA without my family supp orting me and sharing my pleasure and joy. You see, the re is no reason for me to stay in USA after my graduati on. (这么长,嘿!也够耐心的,听我讲,也没打杈。 讲完我额头汗都出来了)(注视着我,不自然的笑)

  O: I cannot believe you. As to the report, 95% Chin ese students didn't come back to China after they had f inished their study in USA, how do you explain this ( T UND, 我的熟人就是被这一刀砍死的,这时我感到大势不妙,这家伙好象存心要拒我 )( 我豁出去了,背出第三段长 篇大论)

  M: That 95% of Chinese students did not come back i s not a reasonable logic that I also will not come back , maybe there are thousands of reasons for their not re turning, none of them is suitable for me. As I have sai d, there are stronger more persuasive reasons for me to return to China to pursue my dream and ambition, that i s: a successful self-achievement, a meaningful career a nd a decent life, which is very difficult for a foreign er in USA. I can promise you that even 99% Chinese stud ents choose to stay in USA, I will not, because of the splendid future prospective career that are waiting for me in China. It is unfair for you not to believe me sim ply because of the offense committed by others, for it deprived my right for a fair interview, which would giv e my particular situation a reasonable judgment. So, wo uld you please consider my application again carefully? (还在试图拒我,冷笑着,)

  O: I still cannot believe you. You know, we have a presumption that every applicant for visa has the inten tion of immigration. Have the responsibility to make su re that our visa is issue to the right ones to protect the interests of our US citizens.( 我这时已经近乎绝望了,浑身燥热。没办法, 再博最后一把 )

  M: I can understand that . But I think I can convin ce you that your presumption is not suitable for me. I agree that USA is a very nice country, but it is not a land that everyone wants to live there. Since it is dif ficult to achieve my goal in USA, which include high so cial position and respectable social status, absolutely I will be among those 5% who will come back to China. A ctually most of the scholars who returned to China are very successful. Here I can give you a good example of my father (这时美国老头好象打动了,身子扭了一下) who has been a visiting scholar in university of XXX at XXX ( 美国最牛的大学之一,真的 ) fo r several years. He is now a division head in a top Chi nese university and owns the world wide famous reputati on in his area. He was invited to attend a United Natio ns conference held at Los Angeles as a special expert, and he will be invited to Singapore by the government t o give lectures this year, I am proud of him, and I hop e he will also be proud of my future achievement. (我所说的 都是真事,有案可查的 )。这时候老头已经被感动了,他默默地在我的OF156表上写着什么,有十几秒没有出声,似乎 还在为自己竟然想拒绝这个真诚而自信的年轻人而感到悔恨与羞愧,然后:

  O: What is the university where your father has bee n staying? His name? Which is the university he is now working?我一一据实回答,他在我的OF156上记录。这时候我终于看到了曙光。我真没想到我能一口气挺到现在 。我排练的时候重来也没有把这么多段子一起练过。我想也就是在新加坡了,在国内绝没有一个签证官会听我唠叨这么久(有 十分钟,基本上是我在说),要拒干脆利落就把人给拒了。然后老头微笑着说:

  O: Now I am convinced, I believe you will follow yo ur father's track to pursue your dream and contribute y our share to your nation.


  M: Thank you. I think my father will also appreciat e your kindness.这时老头才开始看我的I20表,美国系主任写给大使馆的信(无非是吹了我一通),O FFER LETTER, GRE 和TOEFL 成绩单。不过这已经不重要了。他仅仅是扫了几眼,就把G和T成绩单 ,我的清华成绩单和国大成绩单(还没拆呢)扔了出来。然后说:

  O: Congratulations, your visa is approved. You can choose collect it tomorrow or wait another 40 minute fo r it will be processed.(满面春风爽朗地笑,其实我都快虚脱了)

  M: That's great ! Thanks again for your help. I pre fer to collect my visa this morning, if it is not very troublesome.

  O: Sure you can. When it is ready. We will call you .

  M: Thank you! Thank you very much.我转身往椅子边走的时候,感觉两条腿 软软的。这时十点半。十一点我拿到护照和装I-20的信封。我回去拿包经过三号窗口的时候向老头扬了扬手,他也笑了一 下。

  虽然险象环生,危机暗伏,签证还是拿到手了。现在回头想一想,越想越玄,要是我当时有什么犹豫或表达不到位的 话,肯定就会被老头给拒了。这家伙一开始就没打算给我签,否则就不会问我这些要命的问题,还屡次表示不相信我。幸好我 准备充分,终于用其中的一套段子搞定了这个老头。


  1、 一定要准备几个练熟套路。面试的时候你可能必须在移民倾向问题上反复解释,要临时想出好几条铿锵有力的 理由很难。而且即便你想好了理由也还不够,因为我们一般来说英语的表达能力远未到随心所欲的地步,当场完全自由发挥难 免有停顿结巴或辞不达意,要是签证官心情不好的话很可能要找你的碴。

  2、 绝对不能心虚,任何时候都要表现出与签证官处于平等地位的自信。不是老子在求你,是看得起你才在这跟你 瞎白唬。所以一定要自信。

  3、 无论面试如何艰苦,即使签证官动了杀心,只要刀子还没有砍到脖子上(就是在你的护照上签字盖拒签章), 就要顽抗到底,一段一段背熟的话就使劲儿灌。我想除非签证官是铁了心一定要拒你,一般还是架不住你以流利的口语,精彩 的言辞晓之以理,动之以情的。

  总而言之,就是要精心准备。要做好应付最艰苦局面的打算。能不能拿到签证,归根到底是签证官的事,但我们完全 有努力争取的机会。我们的现场表现是签证官作决定的唯一依据,命运至少有二分之一掌握在自己手里。Remember, splendid future only belongs to those who are brilliant and diligent.( 这一句是我编的, 在徐老师的教材上找不着)。 祝大家好运。

  新浪首页 >生活空间 >出国通途 >新东方学校出国咨询处 > 新闻报道