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http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年2月15日 15:31 出国通途

  Sailopal 诉 移民暨公民部部长




  本案的问题是,移民官对申请人的语言能力的评估是否得当。申请人以厨师的职业申请移民加拿大。法院对于移民官 的决定,除非是明显的不合理,或是根本没有考虑事实的,一般是不会干预的。申请人承认,他说英语的能力是有困难,同时 ,他也打算努力学英语。但是,申请人所写的一份书面的样本,说明了他是有能力写英语的。申请人在宣誓书中说,他阅读和 书写英语的能力都是流利的。

  根据申请人自己的证据,移民官所认定的申请人说英语的能力是有问题的这一项是对的。有关申请人写和阅读英文的 能力,申请人的证据是,他阅读和书写英文的能力是流利的。并没有任何相反的证据,证明他阅读和书写英语的能力并不流利 。申请人自己所写的样本,虽然有一些拼法和语法上的错误,表明了申请人写英语的能力还是相当不错的。此案的证据与Sa rshidsar诉移民部长(1998年7月16日)一案。在该案中,McDonald认为移民官对该案中的当事人的 英文能力的零分的评估是不合理的。根据我在本案中所掌握的事实,我认定,移民官对于申请人的阅读和书写能力的评估的决 定,是明显的不合理的。本案所提出的私法审查的请求被接受。本案将由另外一个移民官重新审理。



  The issue in this judicial review is whether the vi sa officer correctly assessed the applicant's language ability. The applicant applied for permanent residence in the occupation of cooking foreign foods. The Court w ill only interfere if the visa officer's decision was p atently unreasonable, that is , perverse, capricious or made without regard to the evidence. The applicant conc eded he spoke English with difficulty and would have to work hard on his English. A sample of the applicant's w riting indicates an ability to write English. The appli cant's affidavit says he reads and writes English fluen tly.On the basis of the applicant's own evidence, there is no question that the visa officer was correct in fin ding that the applicant spoke English with difficulty. With respect to the applicant's ability to write and re ad English, the applicant's evidence is that he reads a nd writes English fluently. There is no contrary eviden ce. The applicant's writing sample, while containing a few spelling and grammatical errors, indicates a reason able ability to write in the English language. In this respect, the evidence is similar to that in Farshidfar v. Canada (Minister of Citizenship & Immigration) (July 16, 1998), Doc. IMM-286-98(Fed. T.D.) in which McDonald J.A. found that a zero assessment was perverse. On the evidence before me, in this case, I must conclude that the Visa Officer's decision with respect to the ability of the applicant to read and write English is patently unreasonable.

  The judicial review is allowed. The matter is remit ted to a different Visa Officer for redetermination.App lication granted.

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