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何庆权 包凡一 http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年2月1日 17:56 出国通途 千里之行,始于足下。要申请留学,这第一封联系信是必不可少的,其目的是要和国外大学建立联系,并向它们索取 申请资料。一般来说,国外正规的大学接到这样的信都会给你回复的。就这一点来说,人家的习惯要好得多。申请资料主要由 申请表格组成,但也包括对学校、院系和专业的介绍材料。只有得到这些资料,你才能展开申请。 这封最初的联系信不必写得太长或太详细。这封信通常是由秘书或其他办事人员来处理的,你未来的教授一般不会看 到,也不会成为你正式申请材料的一部分。你大可不必为这封信伤太多的脑筋。内容上,一要表明你计划攻读的学位和专业, 一要简单介绍一下你的背景和资历,以说明你为什么有资格攻读你想攻读的学位和专业。此信目的是要国外学校对你产生兴趣 ,并把申请材料寄给你。 这类最初的联系信函虽不可缺少,但并非是申请的关键。这里收录了几封实例,但为节省篇幅,多略去了原文。这里 选录的信有的有些长,目的是为了给读者更多模仿的余地。毕竟删减比从无到有的写作要容易。实际上,多数最初的联系信都 大可更短一些。 请注意这些信的格式,尤其是信头姓名、地址、信尾落款的书写方式。本章有意使用了不同的书信格式,供读者参考 和仿效。为篇幅计,后面的信件,包括推荐信。W都不带有信头。但本节所展示的格式适用于其它信件。自己写信时到底使用 哪种格式,可根据自己的爱好和习惯不拘一格,但最好以方便阅读为原则。下面是两封联系信的范例。 Shen Qingzhe P.O.Box 00001 Beijing 100080 People's Republic of China Admission Committee Nice University Some Fancy City TA 11111 The United States February 30,1998 Dear Sir/Madam: This is to request an application package for MBA s tudies starting inthe fall of 1999. I graduated from th e China Steel University in Shanghai with aBachelor's D egree in Garment Manufacturing Engineering in 1990. In thesubsequent two years, I worked as a designer and engineer for a coupleof fashion manufacturing compa nies. In1993, I went to Hong, Kong,where I joined a gar ment company as a trade agent. In 1994, I became an entrepreneur in my own right a nd engaged in thebooming computer business. I started a computer company specializingin business software devel opment. The business was very successful,with annual sa les close to three million US dollars and profit of clo seto 30,000 US dollars. In April 1998, I sold this prom ising businessfor a handsome profit. The sale was made for strategic considerations. More and more multinational companies are now enter ing the Chinesemarket. Making it much harder for a smal l firm to compete on its ownin the market. It is now ti me for me to move onto something else. As I turn the corner in my career, I plan to furthe r hone my businessskills through advanced business trai ning in your MBA program. Ibelieve that such training, combined with my entrepreneurial experienceand practica l skills, will stand me in good stead as I seek greater achievements in a modem Chinese market economy that boa sts as manyopportunities as challenges. I will be taking the required TOEEL and GMAT tests in October this year. Yours sincerely Shen Qingzhe From: Sallie Niu Gredit Card International Beijing Representative Office Suite 1024, Tower 101 Brightness Beijing Building No.9 Jianguomen Wai Boulevard Beijing 100012 People's Republic of China February 31,1998 To: Dean or Admissions officer Faculty of Business Administration Dream University Doubt City, NY 10042 USA RE: Request for an application package for your MBA programDear Sir or Madam: I am the office administrator for CreditCard's Beij ing RepresentativeOffice, and I am writing in the hope of earning an MBA in your businessschool. I first did my undergraduate studies in a four-year businessadministration program with the Liaoning Univer sity, the most importanthigher-learning institution in China's most industrialized province. Since my graduation in 1986, I have also completed a variety oftraining programs to enrich my knowledge an d enhance my skills. As I seek to assume greater and greater responsibil ities in theforeign business sector in China, I find th at I need to undertake moreadvanced business education, especially a Western-style businesseducation, if I am t o succeed. I would therefore like to apply foracceptanc e into your distinguished business program. With over 1 0years of working experience behind me, I should probab ly be considereda mature student if and when accepted, and I wish to bring all thatexperience, particularly my knowledge of how foreign businesses inChina operate on a daily basis, into the business school with me. Itwoul d be greatly appreciated if you could send me an applic ationpackage and any other relevant material. Yours sincerely,Sallie Niu 点击http://www.starcanada.com 获更多信息。 新东方咨询处
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