

http://www.sina.com.cn  2010年10月22日10:41  新浪女性





  China Fashion Week Spring/Summer Collection2011 Held in Beijing

  Night of Oct.24th,a hot lingerie show raised the curtain of China Fashion Week Spring/Summer Collection 2011. During the following 8 days, there are 36 fashion shows and6 professional contests presented in D·PARK 798 Art Zone, Beijing Hotel,China National Convention Center and Beijing International Trade Center by 37 brands, 37 designers and 213 fashion freshmen fromboth at home and abroad. We also had the participation of hundreds offashion models from 20 agencies and dozens of cosmeticians and stylists. More than500 journalists and editors covered this fashion festival. In addition, thereare salon discussing “Fashion Dissemination with 3G Technology”, debate on “To Neutralize or ToPolarize”, seminar about trends of Ready-to-Wear 2 A/W 011-2012, and Fashion Creative Styling Summit。

  Besides women’s wear, men’s wear, lingerie,children’s wear, jeans wear and knit wear, we enjoyed crossover of fashion withsculpture, fashion with painting and, fashion with sado. After sponsoringBerlin Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, Los Angeles Fashion Week, MiamiFashion Week, and Mexico Fashion Week, Mercedes-Benz cooperated with China FashionWeek this time, and refreshed its culture as “perfection, charm andresponsibility”. The brand new E Class roadster and GLK SUV were exhibited inD.PARK Beijing House during the week. Again, this is a surprising crossoverbetween fashion and automobile. All of the above events could be defined as seriesof experiments which explored the way for China Fashion Week to be morediversified, and more creative。

  Compared with last year, showsdeclined in amount, but designers’ involvement increased. This is obviously aproof of the transformation for China’sfashion industry from the long-time dominated trade brands to designer brands. Worthmentioning, we witnessed the most men’s wear designers’ show in this fashionweek: as many as 7. Moreover, e-commerce fashion brand stepped on the stage ofChina Fashion Week for the first time, convincing us that new distributionchannels doomed to bring new opportunities as well as challenges to thisindustry。

  Through efforts andimprovements of 13 years, China Fashion Week has built itself into aprofessional service platform for fashion trends, design innovations and brandimages, which is also a definite focus of this industry。



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