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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年12月30日17:43 羽西看世界

  1 你完全有能力去获得美丽、健康和成功, 是你作出属于自己的选择; 是你创造属于自己的命运。

  Within you lies the power to attain beauty, health and success. You make the choice, thus you create your own destiny.

  2 世界上没有难看的女人,只有不懂得如何打扮得体的女人。

  There are no ugly women in the world, only those who do not know how to use makeup and dress appropriately.

  3 满足不是欲望的实现,而是对你所拥有的一种珍惜。

  Contentment is not the fulfillment of what you want, it is the realization of how much you already have.

  4 成功包括健康、活力,来自亲朋好友们的支持和一种心态的安宁。当你把这一切和基本物质需要的满足结合在一起时,你才会感觉到真正的快乐!

  Success includes good health, energy, a feeling of contentment that is supported by good friends and relationships, and peace of mind. When you mix these with a measure of material success (enough to take care of your material needs), they make up a recipe for true happiness!

  5 生命本身没有意义,是你让它变得意义非凡。

  Life itself has no meaning, meaning is given by you.

  6 我的个人信条:让我更和蔼一点,让我更豁达一点,对于我身边的过错,就让我再宽容一点。

  My personal creed: Let me be a little kinder, let me be a little blinder, to the faults of those around me, let me praise a little more.

  7 人们会忘记你所说的,也会忘记你所做的,但是他们永远不会忘记你带给他们的那种感受。

  People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

  8 我只关心未来, 因为只有未来才值得我付出所有的时间和精力!

  All I care about is the future – that is where I intend to spend all my time!

  9 我喜欢改变。随着年龄的增长我们也必须改变,如果我们不想被这个时代所淘汰,就必须改变自己的妆容、发型和对服装的选择。

  I like to change. We must change as we age. We should change our makeup, our hairstyle and even our choice of clothing if we want to avoid being in a timewarp.

  10 我个人认为每个企业都应该有自己的社会责任,都应该为国家分挑一些重担。

  I believe every corporation has social responsibilities. Each should share some burden for the government.

  11 每天要学点东西,我愿今天的你比昨天的你更好,明天的你也一定比今天的你还要好。

  Learn something everyday. The YOU of today should be better than the YOU of yesterday and tomorrow. You’ll be better than today.

  12 要学英语,因为它是与世界相互沟通的最重要的工具。

  Study English. It is the single most important tool to communicate with the rest of the world.



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