森英惠写给2107的信(图)http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年07月25日18:00 新浪伊人风采
![]() 森英惠 Interestingly, due to further development of technologies, a dress can be made without being sewn, rather by push of a button. In the 21st Century, science is advancing at an accelerating speed beyond our imagination. The important factor should be the balanced coexistence between people and science. More science develops, more important should humaneness be. I have been creating “Haute Couture” fashion in Paris for many years. It is the works of hands using thread and needles by skilled seamstresses. If, due to development of technologies, fashion can be made without being sewn, and thus without using hands, won’t human be degenerated? Hands stimulate brain. I now stress the importance of “made by hand”. Without over-dependence on machines and IT, using basic human function such as creation by hand and walking on foot, I would like to achieve the balanced life-style. Starting the 21st Century, the major world theme is the “peace”. Also, stopping the global warming and saving the environment. We, human should not forget that we are habitant of the Earth, and unless we tackle these problems now, may the Earth cease to exist in 100 years? May it become a planet without life…? I ask myself such questions daily... I would like to support activities of new ideas in the domain of creation as well as the theme of ecology.
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