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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年09月05日11:36 新浪伊人风采

  Following the tremendous success of the inaugural Miss Airline International Contest 2004 held in Zhuhai, the 2nd Miss Airline International Contest was officially launched in Shanghai on 6th July 2005. Preliminary heats for “Cross-Straits, Hong Kong and Macau regions” will be held in Macau on 16th November, while the finals will be held in Shanghai on 3rd December.

  The pageant is proudly hosted by CAAC International Cooperation & Service Center and Skyworks (China) International, organized by Skyworks International (Picture) Limited and co-organized by major media such as CAAC news, Sina.com, Shanghai Dragon TV and Macao Daily, which will ensure priority coverage of this international event. The Shanghai Theater Academy Performance Center, Shanghai Theater Avenue Performance Federation, Zenith Opti Media, Singapore Aircrew Network, as well as the Social Affairs and Culture department of Macau SAR are also supporters of this event.

  This year’s pageant will be characterized by four basic principles, namely globalization, professionalism, market-orientation and entertainment. Through showcasing the talents of air stewardesses competing for the title of Miss Airline International 2005, it is hoped that the corporate culture and unique features of international airlines will be highlighted. The event will also provide a professional platform to promote better interaction among international airlines as well as exchanges with related industries, opening up new business opportunities. The event will attract media publicity, heightening public awareness and building up overall enthusiasm for a top-notch entertainment event cum competition. The pageant will likely become one of the most popular annual extravaganzas.

  The pageant’s organizers, CAAC International Cooperation & Service Center and the 2nd Miss Airline International Contest Organizing Committee, hereby formally invite your company to participate in this grand aviation event of the year by nominating stewardesses who best embodies your company’s value and image. We wish you all the best for the upcoming competition.

  Please contact the Organizing Committee upon receipt of this invitation. You can also check the website www.missairline.com.cn/ for more details.

  In addition, please R.S.V.P by 30th September 2005. Application forms to be mailed to the following contest liaison office.

  Yours sincerely,

  CAAC International Cooperation & Service Center

  The 2nd Miss Airline International Contest Organizing Committee

  Aug.1, 2005


  Mailing Address: The 2nd Miss Airline International Contest Organizing Committee

  Shanghai Liaison Office: Performance Center of Shanghai Theater Academy

  No. 600, Huashan Road, Jing An District, Shanghai

  Tel:86-21-62488103 62482920-3082/3080 Fax: 86-21-62488103 PC:200400

  Zhuhai Liaison Office: Skyworks International (Pictures) Limited, Zhuhai, China

  5th Floor, Glass Building, Nanhai Oil (Zhuhai) Hotel,

  No. 368, Shuiwan Road, Zhuhai, Guangdong.

  Tel:86-756-3358095 3358096 3358368 Fax:86-756-3358308 Pc:519015

  E-mail: missairline@126.com



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