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http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年10月09日16:47 新浪伊人风采




  Founded in 1979,Youngor has now become a leading garment producer in China.It has nearly 40 subsidiaries headed by the listed Youngor Group C.,Ltd.Over the past two decades,Youngor has gradually become a giant corporation taking garment making and marketing as its mainstay,with subordinate business operations in real estate development,international trade.In 2004,Youngor cropped RMB 13.935 billion as its total sales volume,with RMB 890 million of profit,and USD 650 million of foreign currency earnings.Its overall strength ranks the 49th among the top 500 enterprises in China.Youngor shirts,its premiere product,have for ten years consecutively topped the shirt market,and its business suits have also kept the first place in market share for 5 years.

  While building a garments manufacturing base with high investment and hi-tech,Youngor has also made effort in building a powerful sales network.In the mean time,Youngor Group has conducted a veritical integration approach,and plans to build textile complex and accessories center,so as to research & develop high grade fabrics.The building of Youngor textile center shows that Youngor has formed a complete garment with a supply chain integrating textile material production,garment making,and chain marketing.With a strategy of “one mainstay industry and diversity developments”,Youngor Group has also entered into real estate,international trade,financing and investment and public facilities,and has won ideal social and economical benefit,turning Youngor into a premiere conglomerate in East China.



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