
Fashion gala set to sweep into town

http://www.sina.com.cn  2008年10月29日17:42  新浪女性

  ONE of the world's biggest fashion galas, the 2008 China Fashion Carnival, will open this month with a series of interactive programs and a host of stars including Taiwanese singer Jay Chou.

  The fashion carnival, held annually in Shanghai by local TV channel Channel Young, gathers stars, top-notch fashion designers and critics from home and broad.

  This year's carnival features a theme gala, fashion forum and exhibition of Chinese fashion magazine covers over the past 30 years.

  Organizers revealed that Taiwanese singer Jay Chou and 80 other domestic and foreign celebrities would attend the awards gala on November 1.

  The gala aimed to pay tribute to people who have made big contributions to China's fashion, philanthropy and culture. Dragon TV and Channel Young said they would broadcast the event live. To mark the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up policy that ushered in big changes in lifestyle and fashion concepts, a six-episode documentary serial will also be presented on the local TV channel.

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