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简评“When I Need You”的三个版本

新浪网友 Omni http://www.sina.com.cn 2000年2月28日 10:49 新浪生活

  Celine Dion的版本其实就在两年前一位朋友送我的"Let's Talk About Love" 专辑中,那时显然因其中"To Love You More"一曲的震撼力而减弱了对其余14首歌的注意力。今天无意 中翻出这张CD,才发现"When I Need You"就在其中。当然从被我忽略这一点也说明Celine Di on的版本显然不如Rod Stewart的演唱,中低音区一向是Celine的弱点,所以翻唱男歌手的作品也一味走 高,严重破坏了此歌的抒情性。此歌的收尾处给了歌手很大的发挥自由度,但Celine只知避繁就简,没有什么感染力, 只听她在忙于玩弄小技巧中彻底迷失方向,属于典型的“心为形役”的失败案例。

  前天又下载了Leo Sayer在1976年的原唱,听后觉得和Rod Stewart各有千秋。Rod胜在 前半部分生动的起承转合,其沙嗓的磁性体现得淋漓尽致,与此歌的要求非常合拍;可惜老公鸡在后半段发挥过度,盲目乱加 口白,唾沫横飞间让人听得莫名其妙,真是“过犹不及”啊。相比之下,Leo的收束平实而感人,一连串简单的"I ju st hold out my hand", "I'm with youdarling"的声声呼唤将情感适度地表 达,点到为止却令人意犹未尽。当然Leo的前半段就显得过于平淡,吐字倒比Rod清晰几倍,但显然不足以动人心魄,缺 乏打击的力度。

  因此电视剧<来来往往>的导演在第9集戏分最足处采用Rod Stewart演唱的前半段是非常有水平的设计 ,要用整首歌就反而画蛇添足了。综合评估的话,我还是给Rod Stewart最高分。同时觉得这首歌作为Rod的代 表作比"Sailing", "Downtown Train"等要更为合适,当然这需要他重录此歌并把收尾处的“胡 言乱语”全去掉为前提。:-)


  (Carol Bayer Sager, Albert Hammond)

  When I need you

  I just close my eyes and I'm with you

  And all that I so want to give you

  It's only a heart beat away

  When I need love

  I hold out my hands and I touch love

  I never knew there was so much love

  keeping me warm night and day

  Miles and miles of empty space in between us

  A telephone can't take the place of your smile

  But you know I won't be traveling forever

  It's cold out but hold out and do like I do

  When I need you

  I just close my eyes and I'm with you

  And all that I so want to give you baby

  It's only a heart beat away

  It's not easy when the road is your driver

  Honey that's a heavy load that we bear

  But you know I won't be traveling a lifetime

  It's cold out so hold out and do like I do

  When I need you

  When I need love

  I hold out my hands and I touch love

  I never knew there was so much love

  keeping me warm night and day

  When I need you

  I close my eyes (I just close my eyes)

  I hold out my hand and I've got you darlin'

  It's only a heart beat away

  Now listen

  When I need you darlin'

  I hold you, feel ya

  Give it to me baby

  And I miss ya baby

  Just close my eyes and I'm with you

  And I need you tonight

  You know it's only a heart beat away

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